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2019-09-03  点击:[]



1, Xia HH, Wang B, Pan J, Zhao W, Li Y, Mao JF, Wang XR. (2018) Combining mitochondrial and nuclear genome analyses to dissect the effects of colonization, environment, and geography on population structure in Pinus tabuliformis. Evolutionary Applications. 11:1931–1945. (IF =5.694)

2, Xia HH, Wang B. (2019) Complete chloroplast genome sequence of the Mongolian oak, Quercus mongolica (Fagaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources. 4:1089-1090. (IF = 0.488)

3, Xia HH, Wang B, Wang XR. Complex origins of sequence tandem repeats in the mitochondrial genome of Pinus. (Submitted)

4, 夏涵涵,梁国鲁(2011)原位杂交技术BAC-FISH在植物基因组中的新应用. 西南大学学报(自然科学版)33: 21-26.

5,夏涵涵,杨敏,何波,梁国鲁(2007)远缘植物试管苗嫁接及ISSR分析. 西南农业学报 2:1180-1183.

6, Xia HH, Ding ZY, Zhang DM (2010, October). Sympatric speciation via chromosome differentiation in Ophiopogon japonicus. The 4th Asian Chromosome Colloquium, Beijing.

7, Xia HH, Wang XR. (2017, July) Landscape genomics of Pinus tabuliformis reveals deep divergence beyond the LGM. The 38th congress of Evolution, Portland, Oregon.




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